Svitani - Academy of Equine Assited Services

Support for parents, participants, and caregivers seeking orientation in this rehabilitation approach.

Equine Assisted Services Explained

...A Guide for Clients, Parents, and Caregivers

Our easy-to-follow online course is designed just for you!

Two modules, learn at your own pace, whenever it fits your schedule.

The course is in English, but you can choose video subtitles in your preferred language. Text materials are easy to understand and can be automatically translated via browser tools like Chrome.

35 EUR

What will you get?

  • You will discover the principles of all fields in EAS that will help you select the best activity or therapy for you or your child. 
  • You will learn what a safe and productive lesson or session should look like. What quality marks expect from providers?
  • We will not forget horses to make you more comfortable around them.
  • We will discuss possibilities of funding and the frequency of the intervention to reach the best results.
  • You get some ideas about other treatment methods that can comply with EAS.

Your course includes

  • 2 Modules – learn at your own pace, whenever it fits your schedule - lessons open up gradually to make the information understandable. You can study the lesson content as often as you need.
  • Choose your preferred language. The course is in English, but you can choose video subtitles in your preferred language. Text materials are easy to understand and can be automatically translated via browser tools like Chrome.
  • Support - as with all our courses, this is a well-supported program – to ensure you keep progressing and don't get stuck. Your lector is ready to answer your inquiries via email.
  • Lifetime Access to the Entire Course - there is no expiration date.


Vera Lantelme-Faisan

Physiotherapist, Equine Assisted Therapy Clinical Specialist
Vera has extensive experience in paediatric rehabilitation (since 1999) and has completed several specialized courses – Hippotherapy (under the Czech Equine Facilitated Therapy Association and American Hippotherapy Association), Vojta method, CranioSacral Therapy, etc. She focuses on Equine Assisted Physiotherapy (EFT)/Hippotherapy services for children from 3 months of age with a wide range of diagnoses.

Listen to this 15-minute video, where the Svitani team explains EAS and how you can benefit from them.

Select automatic subtitles in your preferred language.

Yes, I want to learn about Benefits of Equine Assisted Services!


Price 35 EUR

Please register and pay here.
If you want to issue the invoice to a company, write to the "Company ID*" numbers 12345.

​In case you're wondering...

What If I Don’t Have The Time Right Now?

We get it, life is busy! When you join this online course, you are a member for life, so you can go through the course now or later, or as often as you want!

When Does The Course Start?

You can get started with Module One from the 9th October 2023 onward. The modules are released weekly, but you will have continued access to all of the content to revisit as often as you like.

What If My Internet Is Super Slow?

While most of the Course content is delivered over the internet, the videos can be customized for playback in slow internet areas. If you do join and find that you can't participate in the Course as you hoped, we offer a 30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee.

What If I Fall Behind?

When you join this course, you have lifetime access, so you can go through at your own pace, and retake the Course as many times as you wish!

Have Another Question?

Write us at
Svitani - Academy of Equine Assited Services