Welcome to our Academy of Equine Assisted Services

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Associate member of HETI

Focus on Speech Therapy in Equine Assisted Services - workshop

14.6. 2024 09:00 - 15.6. 2024TJ Orion Praha, U Ledáren 48, 147 00 Praha 4-Braník, Czech Republic

"Svitání International, a division of the Czech Association Svítání, z.s., was established with the mission to deliver educational resources, consulting services, and comprehensive guidance within the field of Equine-Assisted Services.

Our team comprises skilled professionals in various disciplines within Equine Assisted Services (EAS), including Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech-language Pathology, Psychology, Education, Social Care, and Adaptive Riding."

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Our online platform offers tailored solutions for webinars, courses, and workshops. Whether it's program implementation, setting up a center, or managing finances, we've got you covered. Our multilingual team is here to support you. Reach out via the form below or email us at svitani@hipoterapie-kurzy.com. Let's optimize your work, enhance client satisfaction, and ensure top-notch care for your equines."